The Lhasa House book launch at Here Now/Latse, New York
Posted by pimpim on 29 Nov 2020 at 5:33 AM
On March 6, 2019, the Lhasa House – Typology of an Endangered Species by André Alexander was launched with Tibet Heritage Fund’s Pimpim de Azevedo and Yutaka Hirako at Here Now/Latse, New York.
The book launch celebrated the lifelong, vital work of late André Alexander and the Tibet Heritage Fund in the preservation, conservation, and documentation of traditional architecture in Tibet. We are most thankful to Here Now and Latse for organising and supporting this event.
The book launch celebrated the lifelong, vital work of late André Alexander and the Tibet Heritage Fund in the preservation, conservation, and documentation of traditional architecture in Tibet. We are most thankful to Here Now and Latse for organising and supporting this event.